Sunday, August 14, 2011

Yochizumi Wataru

Lately, I've been reading a lot of Yochizumi Wataru's work(author of Ultra Maniac, the first manga I ever read). Wataru-sensei's art is really beautiful, and I've yet to find a bad sketch of hers =3 Though, I'm more fond of her later works(the characters' fashion sense is more up to date and appealing). Her stories are all cute and romantic, and her characters are also very cute and likable(but they can be very straight-forward!!! XD) 

Anyway, Ultra Maniac was like a breakthrough for me. I first saw it in one of my cousins' house, laying on her computer table. I had never seen or heard of manga back then, note. So, I was very much interested in reading it(from right to left!!!) and simply marveling at Wataru-sensei's art. I was... Gripped. 

A few years later, I had a re-interest in manga due to Hunty's suggestion to PH. Of course, the next time I went to the bookstore, I instantly searched for Ultra Maniac(I had to recall the title after like three or four years) and PH. I was so happy! I finally get to finish what started my interest in manga!!! Which is why I am such a big fan of Wataru-sensei. 

More on our featured mangaka, since I'm going out of the subject. For the last few days, I started reading some of Wataru-sensei's works online. I started with PxP, a short story about a girl named Himeno. I like how Wataru-sensei always makes her main characters somewhat popular/perfect ^_^ Most shoujo mangas I read feature either a poverty-stricken or an unpopular main character. So, her works are rather unique. 

The next I read was Datte Suki Nandamon. It is a cute story, about a girl named Moka(I just love her name. Makes me think of mocha... I like mocha...). Moka looks a lot like Nina(one of the main characters from Ultra Maniac). The similarity really surprised me. But they look a bit different, too(very slightly). The leading male looks like a nerd, but the cute kind, so it's okay. I swear, Wataru-sensei makes everything work ^_^ 

Today, I just finished her other story, Random Walk. This story is sooooo cute(or maybe it's just the main character?). Anyway, the main character's name is Yuka, and her father is a famous mystery author. He tells her to fall in love many times and become an attractive woman. Well, believe or not, Yuka does exactly as her father tells her! The story is really quite unlike any other that I've read. You know how in typical shoujo mangas, the girl gets the guy? Well, this time, the girl loses three guys!!! It's very cute, and there are some funny parts when Yuka is with her friends. Wataru-sensei stays close to her habits, and Yuka sorta looks like Nina(only with noticeably longer hair) and is the bubbly, semi-popular type with pretty friends. I guess there are some ways to point out what is a Yochizumi Wataru manga and what is not! 

Well, I'll wrap it up for the day. ^_^ 

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