Saturday, August 13, 2011

Philly Trip

Today, I went to Philadelphia with my aunt(Tita Knor), uncle(Tito Brian, other uncle(Tito Shopp), my grandmother(Lola), my girl cousin(Kaia), my boy cousin(Bleu), my mom, my dad, and my brother(Kenzoe). It was a spur-of-the-moment thing; my dad just randomly woke me up at 6:53 freaking AM, telling me we're going to Philly. I was soooo sleepy, but I don't see Kaia or Bleu often so I wanted to go. 

We first went to this church dedicated to St.Rita. It's a very special place to my family because back before Kaia was born, Tito Brian was very sick. So Lola went to that church, put her hand on this pillow that St.Rita's hand once laid on, and prayed for his health. Then, miraculously, Tito Bri got better ^_^(I'm an atheist, though...) 

Anyway, after that, we went to Reading Terminal Market and ate this really good pork and spinach sammich(Eh, I could still remember it's juiciness!!! Gaaaaah!!) and had Bassette's ice cream after(So creamy...). There were also Amish people outside the market and we got to on a hayride ^_^ We saw pigs, lamb, goat, sheep, chicken, cows, donkeys, ponies, and horseys. There were also some newly hatched chicks that we got to pick up, as well as gerbils and bunnies that we could pet. 

Then, we went off to see the Liberty Bell. We went on a tour around The Hall of Independence, the tour guide with such an intense interest on history(and an ultra loud voice*ears ring*) Then, we went for ice cream again before deciding to go home. We also had dinner at Tokyo Buffet. 

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