Monday, September 12, 2011


First off, long time no post! It's strange, after being gone for so long...

Anyhow! I checked my statistics for this blog, and I have to say, I'm thoroughly impressed! I have viewers from three countries! Three!! USA, Canada, and Germany. I'm impressed. Truthfully, I don't really take this blog seriously. It's just for fun. But, I'm really impressed!!!

Also, I have decided to cancel all publication of my works on WattPad. I just DO NOT have the time to work on the stories, or any stories whatsoever. But, I might pick up these stories again later on and continue it. So consider me on hiatus.

Further updates... The first volleyball game of the season is this Saturday. Buddies from my school, YOU ISH WELCOME TO WATCH! Also, see you guys on the picnic on Sunday!!!

Gah, a few complaints about the schoolyear: First day of school, TOO MUCH DARN HOMEWORK. WHY?! TEST IN A FEW DAYS. WHY?! HECTIC SCHEDULE. WHY?! TOP FLOOR; MORE STEPS TO CLIMB. WHY?! /nag/nag/nag

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