Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My friends, all of them, are super awesome and make me feel super happy. I couldn't have asked for better friends. Here are some things that make me feel special:

Soraya's smiles when she laughs at my jokes
Marisa's hugs when she's sad or when she's happy
Anna's annoying pokes and hair pulling
Manny showing me his serious side and warm smiles
Chris's... Friendliness =D
Alyssa's respect for me
Emily and Paula's keeping up with my craziness
Sharlynn's hugs, smiles, and overall friendship
Santi's attempts at making me laugh
Seb V.'s kindness
Seb F.'s... Uhmm... IDK?
Cruz's friendship
Giana's hugs and squirreliness
Rocky's niceness and... Being Rockyness
Angel's jokes XP
Lucas's craziness
Marcella's sweetness and friendliness
Erica#6's randomness and ball-magnetness
Erica#7's insanity<3 and trust
Amber(8A)'s quirkiness and honesty

A few more things, but those are a few honorable mentions off the top of my head.


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